Mustad hooks type 7255 size 6 mono 0.90 red snoodings
€ 28.41
Incl VAT
Mustad hooks type 7255 size 7 mono 0.90 red snoodings
€ 22.50
Incl VAT
Mustad hooks type 7255 size 6 Br. PET 1,0mmRed snoodings
€ 24.04
Incl VAT
Mustad hooks type 7255 size 7 Br. PET 1,0mmRed snoodings
€ 22.88
Incl VAT
Mustad hooks type 7255 size 6 PET twine 3/6Orange snoodings
€ 20.63
Incl VAT
Mustad hooks type 7255 size 6 PET twine 3/6Green snoodings
€ 25.84
Incl VAT
Mustad hooks type 7255 size 7 PET twine 3/6Green snoodings
€ 22.13
Incl VAT
Rubbe bait - 5 meter
€ 2.18
Incl VAT
Rubber bait - 100 meter
€ 25.03
Incl VAT
Rubber makk W/ Mustad hooks
Midlertidigt udsolgt
€ 2.35
Incl VAT
Mustad forfang CL-RIC nr. 8
Mustadpakke med 5 stk
€ 2.73
Incl VAT
Heering snoods w/green wisp.
€ 1.68
Incl VAT
Heering snoods w/silver wisp.
€ 1.68
Incl VAT
Mustad has produced quality hooks for fishing since 1877, and is considered the leading manufacturer of hooks for fishing worldwide.
We only have a small part of Mustads productrange, but should you be interested in hooks we don't have in stock, please call us, then we will try to provide it.
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